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UE Field Type Key Type Default Extra Description
id int(10) unsigned PRI auto_increment Unique account id
username varchar(50) UNI 0 Login name for the account
password varchar(64) 0 The encrypted password.
password256 varchar(64) 0
last_login datetime The last login time this account was used.
created_date datetime The date this account was created
last_login_ip varchar(16) MUL The IP address last used to login with this account.
security_level tinyint(3) 0 The Security Level of this account.
verificationid varchar(32) The verification id used in the URL to activate/reset account.
country varchar(64) The country this user is from.
gender varchar(1) N The gender of the player.
birth int(4) 0 The year this player was born.
status char(1) The status of this account. (A)ctive (U)nactive.
spam_points tinyint(1) 0 The amount of spam points this account has accumulated.
advisor_points int(10) 0 The number of advisor points this account has accumulated.
comments text Additional comments about account.
realname varchar(64) The real name of the person using account.
advisor_ban tinyint(1) 0 If the account is banned from being an advisor
operating_system varchar(32)
OS char(1)
OS_ver_major int(2) 0
OS_ver_minor int(2) 0
OS_platform char(14)
DIF Machine_type varchar(64) Type used to be 'char(6)' in PSLegacy.
graphics_card varchar(64)
graphics_version varchar(32)