Lucubro July 5-11

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This week I've focused on the GUI to create the musical sheet. The start was a bit slow because I had to familiarize with PAWS and make the design of the widget (both the appeareance and the programming design). The musical font gave me some problem during both its research and its using (due to a weird encoding of all the musical font's tables) and made me waste a couple of days. Anyway what I've implemented so far is:

  • I've created two new widgets to draw the sheet.
  • It is possible to change the title, tonality, tempo and beat per minutes of the song.
  • There's a read only and an edit mode that the player use to change the sheet.
  • There are two ways to visualize the sheet: with a single or a double staff.
  • The drawing proportions has been made font size dependent so that change the font's size does not affect the overall rendering. In the single staff mode the font size is a bit more big than the one of the double staff.

The next thing to implement will be:

  • Inserting notes in the sheet.
  • Save and load of the sheet into the XML format.