Music and Ambience Sounds

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Configurable by sector (sectors table, sector name -> DataTable'/Game/data/Audio/dt_SectorMusicAndAmbience.dt_SectorMusicAndAmbience')

RowName musicCue dayAmbience nightAmbience minVolume maxVolume
sector name Music running at ALL time bound to "Music" Volume in game Every 15 seconds(*) we randomize 50% we fade out, otherwise we play as day, but different sound randomized at every cycle see min

(*) Configured in UpsSectorCheckEvent::Trigger()

Ambience Emitter sounds

Drop an actor of type /Audio/PSRangedAmbientSound in the level. Then modify the scale of the "Sound Area" box to fit the area where you want the sound to appear.

Then set in the actor under PlaneShift category these attributes:

  • Randomize Position: it will randomize the location of the sound WITHIN the "Sound area" boundaries. If false it will spawn in the middle
  • Active During Day/Night: can define if the sound will be used for day or night, or both
  • pauseMin / pauseMax: after the sound has played once, we randomize a delay in seconds based on those two values, then the sound is going to play again (at different location if randomize is on)

Example usage: birds in trees, people in houses, tavern noise, scary sounds in caves, ...