NPC Types

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NPCClient is a program designed to handle as many as 1000 npc’s concurrently. Since NPCs are also scripted in xml rather than programmed in C++, this means that a naïve implementation would require 1000 scripts for these 1000 npcs. In this implementation, however, npc scripts are designed to be shared across multiple NPCs. Each NPC in npcclient is assigned to an “NPCType,” which is a set of behavior scripts and reaction scripts which determine how the npc will walk, talk, fight or act like an animal. This feature makes for excellent scalability and productivity of the npc scripter, but means certain aspects are more complex. The biggest example of this is the divide between npc-specific information and data that is shared at the NpcType level. For example consider this NpcType script:

 <npctype name="Wanderer">
   <behavior name="walk" decay="0" growth="0" initial="50">
     <move vel="1" anim="walk" />
   <behavior name="turn" completion_decay="100" growth="0" initial="0">
     <rotate type="random" min="90" max="270" anim="walk" vel="30" />
   <react event="collision" behavior="turn" delta="100" />
   <react event="out of bounds" behavior="turn" delta="100" />

There will be a lot more detail on how this script works in later sections of the NPC Scripting, but for now just note that this basic type of NPC will walk and he will turn, and that events of collisions and being out of bounds will make him turn. Wandering at its most basic level, is these two behaviors.

Connection to the Database

Now consider these two npc definitions found in sc_npc_definitions table:

char_id name npctype region
4 Scary Orc Wanderer dark forest
5 Bambi Wanderer sunny meadow

Each of these NPCs defined here is a “Wanderer”, but one wanders in the “dark forest” while the other wanders in the “sunny meadow”. The region defining the “out of bounds” condition is named at the npc level even though the behaviors are shared.

In general, this type of separation of situation-specific data and general archetype behavior information goes on throughout npcclient scripting. The more you, the npc scripter, understands and leverages these differences the less scripting you will have to do and the less maintenance you will have to do to add new npcs, change maps or add new behaviors to existing ones.


Parameter Type Default Description
name string Mandatory The name of this NPC Type.
parent string Name of parent NPCTypes. Behaviors and reaction from the parents will be inherited into the new NPCType. Multiple inheritance is possible: parent="<parent1>,<parent2>,...,<parentN>"
ang_vel float 2PI The default rate for turning for this NPC Type.
vel float,$WALK,$RUN 1.5 or inherited value if parent The default velocity for moving for this NPC Type. $WALK,$RUN looks up values from the NPC.
collide string Global perception to fire for collision perceptions (Movement operations)
out_of_bounds string Global perception to fire for out of bounds (Movement operations)
in_bound string Global perception to fire for in bounds (Movement operations)
falling string Global perception to fire for falling (Movement operations)

Inherit NPC Types

The following example show how the Baker inherit the beavior of the Citizen.

 Ex: <npctype name="Citizen" vel="$WALK" >
        <behavior ... />
        <react ... />
     <npctype name="Baker" parent="Citizen" ang_vel="1.0" >
        <behavior ... />
        <react ... />


Available NPC Types

Here is list of the NPC Types currently defined in production:

Master NPC:

Base type every NPC should have. Allows the NPC to move. There are no combat capabilities in this NPC Type.

Parent: None

Contains these behaviours:

  • DoNothing
  • Move
  • GlobalMove
  • LocalMove
  • Busy
  • Flee
  • LocateWaypoint
  • Sit
  • ...

On Sight Fighter

Require the "Master NPC" and either the SpellFighter or Fight behaviors when composed into a complete behavior. This behaviour assesses the opponent strength and makes the NPC attacks on sight. How the NPC attack is handled by another script (SpellFighter or Fight)

Parent: None

Contains these behaviours:

  • AssessFighter
  • Assess Lame/Weaker/Equal/Stronger/Powerfull


Parent: Master NPC

Contains these behaviours:

  • fight (basically triggers the <melee> operation)
  • chase (follows the enemy)
  • turn

Automatically reacts to damage with "fight" behaviour


Require the "Master NPC" when composed into a complete behavior. This behaviour is a simple melee fighting behaviour.

Parent: none

Contains these behaviours:

  • fight (basically triggers the <melee> operation)
  • chase (follows the enemy)
  • turn
  • FightAgg / FightDef (changes stance on fight)
  • HPHalf (try to heal if below 50% health)
  • HPLow (will flee if low)


Require the "Master NPC" to be composed into a complete behavior. Example Relliom.

Initializes all the spells to be used in combat.

Parent: None

<set_buffer buffer="Stance"            value="normal" />
<set_buffer buffer="Region"            value="true" />
<set_buffer buffer="KFactor"           value="1.0" />
<set_buffer buffer="AttackSpell1"      value="Flame Burst" /> 
<set_buffer buffer="AttackSpell2"      value="Taste of Death" /> 
<set_buffer buffer="DefensiveSpell1"   value="Flame Spire" />
<set_buffer buffer="HealingSpell1"     value="Life Infusion" />
<set_buffer buffer="PreparationSpell1" value="Defensive Wind" />
<set_buffer buffer="ReplenishSpell1"   value="Relaxing Sleep" />
<set_buffer buffer="DrainSpell1"       value="Weakness" />
<set_buffer buffer="DebuffSpell1"      value="Darkness" />
<set_buffer buffer="DispelSpell1"      value="Cleanse" />

reacts to "fight aggressive", "fight defensive". How are these triggered?


Require the "Master NPC" when composed into a complete behavior. This behaviour is a ranged attack fighting behaviour.

Parent: none

Contains these behaviours:

  • same as "Fight" above, with the different that melee operation is using melee_range="30" (meters)


Allows the NPC to wander around, walking between defined waypoints.


Parent: Sleep,InRegion

Active by day. Sleeping/Hiding during night 22:00-06:00. Require Sleep,InRegion behavior when composed into a complete behavior

Requires a location of type "sleeping_area" (defined in table sc_locations)

When waking up they try to walk to the "region" defined in sc_npc_definitions.region


Parent: Sleep,InRegion

Moving about during night. Sleeping/Hiding during day 08:00-18:00. Require Sleep,InRegion behavior when composed into a complete behavior

Requires a location of type "sleeping_area" (defined in table sc_locations)

When waking up they try to walk to the "region" defined in sc_npc_definitions.region