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The city of Amdeneir is famous for its export of wood and stone. It is located in the center of three stone quarries, one to its northeast, one to its northwest, and one to its southwest. It is known for being a city inhabited primarily by the Klyros people, and some commoners in fact refer to it as “Klyros City.”


The city itself is divided into three parts: the landing platforms, the lower quarter and the upper quarter. A large city wall, about 7 meters high and 3 meters wide, runs around the city. Smaller walls, of about 5 meters height and 3 meters width, separate the city's quarters from each other. Each house, except in the landing platforms, has a connection to the large cave that acts as the city's water supply. The landing platforms are supplied through several wells.



The Rockcliff quarry is the smallest of all of Amdeneir's quarries; however its stone is the most famous. Its opening is of circular shape and the quarry itself is about 150 meters deep. The width is about 500 meters. A giant glass dome is built across the opening, in order to prevent water from entering. Several engineers regularly check the dome for possible leaks and faults. A metal framework keeps the glass plates in their place. Some of the plates can be opened in order to ventilate the mine. A huge metal door serves as the entrance. Usually, the door is wide open, as the quarries are worked in constantly. In the center of the dome, there are several winches on a round platform. The platform is placed on a column that is stabilized by huge metal chains tied to the crater wall. Small stone quarries are carved into the crater wall at medium height. Cable railways run slightly downwards towards the center column. The major part of the quarry is located on the bottom, where workers keep digging and extending the quarry. The rocks are put on one of the winches, brought upwards and transported on caravans to the landing platforms, where megaras transport the stone into all of Yliakum.


The Blackhole quarry is the biggest of the three quarries of Amdeneir. Its surface, with a width of about 300 meters and a length of 700 meters, is shaped like a crescent. Due to its large and irregular surface, the engineers have not been able to construct a dome over it and water keeps being washed into the quarry. Huge drainage pumps, powered by magic, pump the water continuously into a big natural cave a few hundred meters to the north. Part of the water seeps down into the soil and part of it, in the back of the cave, where all the impurities have fallen to the lake bed, is used as a water supply for the city. Several winches on the surface run downwards and transport the huge amounts of rock from the bottom upwards. The quarry is about 300 meters deep and most of the quarry is covered in a constant twilight.


The Wetsoil quarry is the oldest quarry in the region near Amdeneir. Some scientists state that it has likely been in use since the days of the ancient dwarven settlements. Nowadays, the quarry is in a desolate state and only a few workers maintain the winches and pipes. Mostly, the quarry is roamed by several adventurers who hope to find artifacts of the ancient dwarves or miners who seek new resources. Many artificial caves have been dug deep into the soil; many have become inhabited by different kinds of creatures.


Lower quarter

The lower quarter is the place where most of the city's business is conducted. In contrast to the upper quarter, the architecture of the lower quarter is only partly Klyros. Many of the old Klyros buildings have been torn down over time and replaced by Ylian architecture. The few Klyros buildings that are left are about twice the height of the other buildings and are mostly built of wood. Every Klyros building has several stories; a small terrace on each serves as an alternative entrance for those that arrive through the air. One or two rectangular towers, which are used as an exit, are situated on each of the Klyros buildings. These towers enable Klyros to reach any location within the lower quarter with ease. The lower quarter is divided into different sectors by three major roads, the main road, the road to the upper quarter, and a road from the south gate to the landing platforms. Along these roads, several crafters have set up their shops. The lower quarter offers a wide selection of crafters, including stonemasons, woodcutters, bowyers, carpenters, and engineers. In the lower quarter, in the southwest corner, next to the main road, there is a small hospital run by followers of Talad.

Upper quarter

The upper quarter is where the city's government and the social elite of Amdeneir reside. All of the buildings in the upper quarter are typically Klyros, as only few foreigners had the chance to purchase a building. It has no connection to the landing platforms, only a single gate to the lower quarter. In the middle of the quarter, at the end of the road connecting the upper quarter to the lower quarter, there is a larger plaza. In the middle of the plaza, there is a park filled with plants and trees from both the Dome and the Barn. At the north end of the plaza, there is the vigesimi's tower. At the sides of the plaza, clockwise from the vigesimi's tower, there is the university. Small roads lead away from the plaza. There is a market in the plaza, around the park, where booths sell various items.

Landing platforms

The landing platforms are the trading center of Amdeneir. Most of the goods imported into Amdeneir arrive through the air. The landing platforms are the least secure area of Amdeneir as well. The huge storehouses of several trading companies attract thieves. The landing platforms themselves are located in the upper left corner of the quarter, next to the road that connects the two exits towards the quarries. On the south end of the quarter are many small shacks owned by day labourers and those that can not afford other housing. These shacks have been the cause of trouble between the local social elite and the government, as they fear for their safety, especially due to the easy outbreak of disease in the dense housing area. Like in the upper quarter, a market is held on the small plaza of the landing platforms quarter. Stables for flying creatures can be found right besides the landing platforms. A large market hall is situated next to the quarter's plaza. Inside, several merchants set up their business and sell their goods on a daily basis.

The three major roads, especially the main road and the landing platforms road, are filled with caravans transporting goods. Even the airspace of the roads is filled by Klyros gliding to their destination. Next to the gates connecting the quarters, are two holes on each side allowing air traffic.

Points of Interest

Hospital of Talad

The hospital takes care of adventurers and travelers passing through Amdeneir. Adjacent to the hospital is a small chapel consecrated to Talad.

Vigesimi's tower

The vigesimi's tower is a large tower that rises about 100 meters into the air. A cupola forms its base. Two smaller towers that are connected through bridges in regular intervals to the main tower are located left and right of the main tower. The two towers go up to a height of 40 meters. At a height of 50 meters, the main tower has a cavity of about 20 meters in diameter. On top of the tower there is another cavity, shaped like an upside down pyramid. A platform finishes the tower. Inside the tower, the Vigesimi has her offices. The lower cupola is used for public announcements or official events.

Plaza Park

In the middle of the plaza will be a park containing trees and plants from both the Barn and the Dome.

University of Amdeneir

The university is a broad building whose roof consists of seven roofs, which taper off, that are connected together. The outer roofs are decorated by two towers each, the middle one by a tower of about 20m in height. The building houses the Amdeneir University, a university famous for its teachings in engineering. This university provides the best engineering education outside of the City of Stars.

The Parting Ways tavern

The Parting Ways is one of the most infamous taverns in the region around Amdeneir. Workers, cutthroats and adventurers gather there on their way to work. Due to its closeness to the landing platforms quarter, the Parting Ways is able to offer a broad selection of drinks and food. The tavern is a known meeting point for the local thieves, though several raids by the guards have not delivered enough information to prove anything.

See also: People of Amdeneir.