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A small clacker

Clackers are very closely related to crabs, having a hard exoskeleton, which gives them protection and makes them very robust. Their two front limbs are tipped with razor-sharp blades, which can be used to inflict serious damage on anyone who comes within range.

An insect-like creature resembling an over-sized hermit crab.
Fairly stupid and not a serious threat to the experienced.
Natural Habitat
The arena has a fairly large population of these, but many can be found in the sewers and dungeons throughout Yliakum. Clackers are sometimes hunted for their meat, which is used to prepare many flavourful dishes.


Jade clacker

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Unlike common Clackers, Thunderclackers are a brilliant, deep green shade. Because of their coloring, they often blend in with grass and flora, and are rarely seen.

Physically, they look just like Clackers, save for their green colouring.
Natural Habitat
Jade clackers are the rarest of clackers. It is not well known where they live.


A Thunderclacker

Unlike common Clackers, Thunderclackers are blue in colour. They also make a great deal more noise, hence the name: thunderclackers.

Physically, they look just like Clackers, save for their their royal blue and silvery grey colouring.
Natural Habitat
Thunderclackers are found mostly in the wilds, and are quite uncommon near towns.