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The City of Hydlaa at Dawn

Hydlaa (pronounced Heèd-láh), is the capital city of Yliakum and is mainly the home to the Ylians and Xachas of Yliakum. The sprawling city is found on the first level of Yliakum, the level that is closest to the Azure Crystal. Hydlaa is protected by giant stone walls and gates and defended the City Militia. Famous landmarks define Hydlaa's skyline. The Windowless Tower juts out, a huge mysterious hollow tower, containing only stairs and ladders for one to climb to the top. The Iron Temple of Laanx can also be seen as the second tallest structure in Hydlaa. There it houses the clergy of Laanx and The Book of Names. Underneath Hydlaa can be found the dungeon, a labyrinths almost as vast as the city and full of gems and precious ores, as well as the sewage systems, a place where many dark creatures live and feed on what falls in the sewage. Hydlaa is where all races except the Enkidukai will spawn for the the first time and when they die.
This page will guide you through the setting behind the city and the names and purposes of some places. This should help people be able to roleplay their character with more ease after knowing the setting behind their home and so new players will be able to get their bearings.

History and Mythology

The Origin of Hydlaa

Hydlaa is said to have been constructed by the original natives of Yliakum, comprising of the Kran and Lemurs. It was named after the powerful Glyph that Laanx and Talad had used to create their people. Under Talad's guidance, Hydlaa was soon populated by Ylians and Enkidukais who had recently migrated to Yliakum from their lands via the Stone Labyrinths. After the appearance of the portals, more races made Hydlaa their home. The buildings that were built in the city were made in the Ylian and Xacha style, with the exception of some, like the Dermorian garden in East Hydlaa.

The Ylian Takeover

At the beginning of the fifth epoch it is noted that the new races of Yliakum quickly realized that there was no food for them all to share. The top two levels were regarded as the only levels that were fertile enough to farm. Ylians soon claimed the first level for themselves, refusing to share with other races. They built fences and walls, and began to look at books about armies and armed defense. The Enkidukai that lived in the same area were driven away and this was considered an intrusion in their freedom. Hydlaa became a Ylian city for a short while before Talad was able to stabilize the conflict.

The Followers of Laanx

During the fifth epoch, a group of Xachas, led by a young man named Galeran Tarbius, created a faith based around the Book of Names that was supposedly written by Laanx. Galeran was blessed with endless charisma and willpower and was able to transfer the fanatical religion of his group to others. Galeran led the Xacha cult to Yliakum were they settled on the first level and erected the Iron Temple of Laanx in Hydlaa.


Hydlaa is located on the first level. It is found south of the Bronze Doors region and the Stone Labyrinths and west of Ojaveda, the Enkidukai's city. It is surrounded by large cliffs and is actually found on the innermost rim of the level, where giant Winches can be found as transportation from level to level. Hydlaa is on the level closest to the Crystal, meaning it has more light than other levels, it also is more susceptible to the crystals radiation.

Newb Note

Hydlaa is the center of all travel. The places that you may want to get too nearly always takes you through Hydlaa to get there.

  • To get to Ojaveda, exit Hydlaa from the east gate, in the same sector as Jayose's library, and follow the road across the Ojaroad Plains. It's a long walk, but eventually you will find the dsar of Akkaio, one of many dsars that make up Ojaveda city.
  • To get to the Magic Shop, exit Hydlaa from the north gate - from the center plaza with the Laanx Statue, look toward a tall brown tower and make your way towards it. After exiting through the gate, continue through the forest path and then take the right fork as soon as you see it.
  • To get to the Bronze Doors, exit Hydlaa from the north gate - from the center plaza with the Laanx Statue, look toward a tall brown tower and make your way towards it, but take the left fork instead of the right. The way can be long, but just follow the road.

Points of Interest

Hydlaa Plaza

The Hydlaa Plaza is situated in the middle of the city. The Iron Temple of Laanx is situated near it as well as many small shops. Many gathering also take place there for special events.

Harnquist's Smithy

Hydlaa's most experienced and most famous crafter, Harnquist, runs the smithy in the Hydlaa Plaza. There, ores and metals can be crafted and refined to create weapons and armour, Harnquist also buys and sells these products. Along with mining and smithing tools.

The Windowless Tower

The Windowless Tower

The giant mysterious tower sticking out like a sore thumb. Many theories have been made about the towers origins, none can be proved. Some say that it was built and houses the Octarch Engineering Academy. Due to its iron sructure, another theory suggests it was built by a Xacha sect that did not follow Laanx.

The Iron Temple

The second largest building in Hydlaa. The Iron Temple is home to the clergy of Laanx and the Book of Names. Followers of Laanx gather in this building to pray and worship their god.

The Kada-El Tavern

A bar in the higher levels of Hydlaa. Good food, drink and bedding can be found and purchased there. Owned by Kada-El and run now by the citizens and the new bartender that has been appointed there.

The Arena

A giant fortress can be found just off the Hydlaa Plaza through an old and long tunnel. There can be found many people from all over Yliakum who come to the Arena to train their skills. It houses many savage creatures such as Trepors and Tefusangs. Rogues and mercenaries and the more ferocious gladiators can be found, some employed by the Arena, some there for fighting. A dangerous place that is for not the weak hearted. Merchants can also be found within the walls, selling a variety of items.

The Emporium

Boralis Voladrand and his wife, Rinna own a general store known as The Emporium. It is advertised as a place to buy "excellent adventure trinkets underneath the Azure Sun".

East Hydlaa

East of Hydlaa, near the East Gate leading to Ojaveda.

Jayose's Codex

A large library owned by the grumpy librarian known as Jayose. Many books about Yliakum and the inhabitants can be found here.

The Demorian Garden

A beautiful garden created by the Demorians with their art and techniques.

The Winch

View over the Winch

The Winch is an economically important district of Hydlaa. Access to this area is strictly controlled. The Winch, as one would expect, is also a name for the central building within that disctrict, the most important part of Hydlaa's infrastructure, that serves the purpose of heaving goods and people from one level of Yliakum to another.


The Hydlaa Sewers

A gobble in the sewers. Lightened to reveal true appearance

The sewer system of Hydlaa is full of a variety of creatures, such as rats, gobbles and tefusangs. These sewers run all around the bowels of Hydlaa, dripping with sewage and decaying monsters that have been fought and killed. Many seasoned warriors today started out by killing even the rats in this structure.

Newb Note

The Sewer is full of rats and easy prey, it is recommended that you start there if you are looking to be a warrior.

The Laanx Dungeons

A labyrinth found underneath the Iron Temple. The dungeons spread all around the foundations of Hydlaa. This maze of tunnels lead to all kinds of places, such as the Windowless Tower itself. It is full of creatures such as Clackers and Grendols, and inhabited by Thugs and Rogues.


Gameplay FAQ - The Gameplay FAQ page in this Wiki
PlaneShift Settings - A story behind PlaneShift
PlaneShift History - A history of Yliakum and Kadaikos
Windowless Tower - A discussion on the forums about the Windowless Tower
Yliakum D.C - A discussion on the forums about the capital of Yliakum

Due to the changing PlaneShift settings, this information may become out of date and is only gathered from the current setting history as of June 2007