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||Will redraw corrupted labels. "/repaintlabels force" can be used if the regular command doesn't work.
||Will redraw corrupted labels. "/repaintlabels force" can be used if the regular command doesn't work.

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#[[Camera_Views#Free_Rotation|Free Rotation]]
#[[Camera_Views#Free_Rotation|Free Rotation]]
#[[Camera_Views#First_Person|First Person]]
#[[Camera_Views#First_Person|First Person]]
=[[Chat Channels]]=
=[[Chat Channels]]=

Revision as of 03:04, 24 September 2006

This section deals with all game-relevant stuff.

Keyboard Controls

This section deals with the standard keyboard controls, as well as userdefined macros.

These are the default controls.

You may alter your settings to your liking via the options window.

Default Keyboard Controls
key default action
Up or W Move your character forward.
Down or S Move your character backward.
Left or A Turn your character to the left.
Right or D Turn your character to the right.
Q Strafe (slide) your character to the left.
E Strafe (slide) your character to the right.
LShift Hold down to make your character run while moving.
RShift Hold down to make your character creep slowly while moving.
Space Make your character jump.
R Auto-run mode.
Z Sit down or stand back up.
Page Up Look up.
Page Down Look down.
Tab Toggle the ability to look around with the mouse. Also activated by holding down the middle mouse button.
Enter Toggle chat.
I Inventory window opens.
C Spell Book window opens.
P Skill window opens.
B Buddy List window opens.
F1 Help window opens.
O Options window opens.
Alt+Q Quit
F Reply to the last person to tell
M Change point-of-view.
Cycles through five different views: first person, several third person views and free rotation.
X Center the camera.
Esc Close the current window, or toggle the control toolbar.
1 - 0 Shortcuts one through to ten in the Shortcuts Window.

Player Commands

A list of commands players can use ingame including:

Chat Commands

This section contains all commands used to talk to other players and NPCs, as well as requesting help and reporting misbehaving players. You can also specify your chat method by simply typing into the corrosponding channel (the method's tab) of your Chat Window (except Tell and NPC chat). In some rare occasions it may happen that you will have to talk out of character (OOC) - in this rare occasions you may put your sentances in brackets [ ] to mark them as OOC.
As a general rule: please keep OOC talk in the public channel as low as possible as it usually disrupts the role play that is going on! OOC in /tell /group and /guild channel is usually allowed, though it could possibly have to be discussed with your chat partners.

Global Interaction

command description
/say message Talk to the people in your immediate vicinity (within 10 meters). This should be your normal way of talking most of the time.
/shout message Talk to people within 100 meters of you. Only use /shout in emergencies.
/auction description Put an item up for sale or offer to buy something.
/me action Perform an action seen by people in your vicinity (within 10 meters). This is a great roleplaying tool when you want your character to do something not directly supported by the game. You can also use /my to describe yourself. Both these commands work in the tell, group and guild tabs as well.
/greet Wave hello to your friends. If you have a target selected, you greet this single target.

Private Talk

command description
/tell player message Talk to someone privately. With this command you can send text only the person you specify can see.
/guild message Talk to everyone in your guild privately. Only guild members in the same guild as you can see what you write.
/group message Talk to your group privately. This is good when your group is farther than 10 meters apart and lets you avoid shouting.
/tellnpc message Talk to npc that is targeted in the npc tab in the chat window.


command description
/ignore Shows ignore window.
/add_ignore player Ignores all communication from the target player in the Chat Window. Use this if people are rude to you and there is no GM around to kick them.
/remove_ignore player Remove named player from ignore list.


command description
/away message Sets an auto-reply message if people send you tells and you are going to be away from your keyboard but still logged in. ('/away off' will disable auto-reply).
/clear Clears the history of the Chat Window.
/report player Makes the server log everything the named player says for 5 minutes. Use this when a player is rude, cheating or griefing so the GMs and Devs can review the log later and have proof.

User Commands

Commands to control various player actions. Many of these are also available via windows and context menus.

Movement and Positioning

command description
/die Use to commit suicide, for example when /unstick does not get you free.
/pos Shows your current location in the 3D world. (Debug purposes only.)
/unstick Moves you to your last known valid location. Should be used when you are stuck in geometry. If a valid location cannot be found you will be sent to the death realm.

Buddy & Player related

command description
/buddy player Adds the named player to your buddy list. You are automatically notified when people from your buddy list go online/offline, and it is easy to send them tells from the Buddy window.
/notbuddy player Removes the named player from your buddy list. Not your friend anymore? what a shame.
/buddylist Shows your current buddy list in the Buddy window.
/who filter Lists players currently online matching filter. If no filter is specified, then all online players are listed.


command description
/stoptrading Prevent anyone from trading with you.
/starttrading You are ready to trade.
/buy merchant Buy from specified merchant. If no merchant specified, buy from current target.
/sell merchant Sell to specified merchant. If no merchant specified, sell to current target.
/trade Start a trade with current Target player.
/give Give items to current Target NPC.

Inventory & Items

command description
/equip quantity item_name Equips the specified quantity of a certain item. This is equivalent to equipping items in your Inventory Window.

example: /equip 1 short sword

/dequip item_name Unequips the specified item. This is equivalent to moving equipped items back into your inventory in your Inventory Window.
/use quantity item_name Uses the given quantity of the named item. If quantity and name are ommitted, the command refers to the currently targeted item.
/pickup Pickup the targeted item.


command description
/show Opens or closes the named window. Valid targets are: skills, spells, inv. help, buddy, info, petition, quest, shortcut, group, guild, glyph, bag, chat
/roll times sides Rolls a certain number of dice with the specified sides and gives the answer. Example: "/roll 2 6" rolls 2 6-sided dice. Use this to invent your own gambling games.
/duelpoints Shows how many duel points you have.
/advisormode on/off Turn advisor mode on or off. if you make yourself an advisor, other players will be able to contact you using the /advisor command for help (same as typing into the help channel of the Chat Window). If run with no parameters, will indicate your current advisor status.
/advice player message Use this command if you are an advisor to send a reply to a player. eg. /advice Eliandrus Middle click on a monster and then press Attack in your Shortcut Window.
/advisor message Ask one of the advisors a question. eg. /advisor How do I attack something?. Anything you type in the Help channel of the Chat Window will be sent as an advice request automatically.
/list_advice_requests If you are an advisor, lists all currently unanswered questions.
/train Start a training session with a trainer target.
/quests Display current quest notebook.
/dig (for) resource Mine for natural resources in the ground. Some locations are better than others for digging, and how well you do depends on where you are, your skill and your tools. The word "for" is optional and may be ommitted.

/dig for gold
/dig iron

/petition request Submits a petition to the GMs for a feature or bug fix.
/petition_list List all of the petitions you have submitted, so you can delete them if you figure out your own problems before the GMs get to you.
/picklock Attempts to pick a lock.

Combat & Targeting Commands

Commands used to manually control combat and the targeting system. Attacking is normally done via the context menu or the info window's stance buttons. Some commands like /cast and /target are useful for creating shortcuts to more easily perform certain actions.

command description
/attack stance Attacks the targeted character with the aggressiveness setting from 1-5. 1 is most aggressive and has no defense, while 5 is most defensive and has no attack.
/stopattack Stops attacking.
/assist player Make the specified player's target your own.
/cast spell name Start casting spell.
/loot Loots an available corpse if you have authority.
/target_context Displays the options for interacting with the target item. The same as what is normally the right click menu.
/target name
/target (next,prev) [npc,pc,item,any]
/target clear
Searches for a target that matches the parameters. With no parameters targets yourself. You may search for an NPC, PC (player), or item. 'Any' will find anything to target, and 'clear' will deselect your target. You may also specify your target by entering the player's name. You may optionally specify the direction with 'next' (default) or 'prev', for searching outwards or inwards from your location. Examples: "/target Bob" will target the player named Bob. "/target prev npc" will target the next closest NPC from the one you already have selected.
/targetinfo target Displays more info about the target.
/challenge Challenge another player to a duel.
/yield Surrender to a dueling player.

Group Commands

Commands used to give additional control over a player group.

command description
/invite player Invites the named player to join the leader's group.
/confirmgroupjoin Accept an invitation to join a group
/groupremove player Allows the group leader to remove a player from the group.
/disband If specified by group leader, the group is disbanded.
/leavegroup You leave your current group.
/groupmembers Lists all group members.

Guild Commands

Commands used to perform guild actions, many of which are available via the guild window.

command description
/guildinfo Opens the Guild Window.
/newguild guild_name This creates a new guild with the specified name and you as leader.
/endguild Disbands your guild.
/guildinvite player Invites the named player to join your guild.
/guildremove player Removes the named player from your guild.
/guildlevel level name Names the level # as the specified name for your guild.
/guildpromote player level Sets the named player to specified level in your guild.
/guildsymbol symbol_name Sets your guild symbol to the named symbol.
/guildmembers level Lists all guild members, filtered by level if specified.
/guildpoints guild_name Shows karma points of named guild.
/guildname guild_name Changes name of your guild to the new guild name.
/guildsecret on/off Toggles the guild secrecy flag. If called without an argument, it shows the current value of the secrecy flag.
/guildweb URL Sets URL of guild web page.
/guildmotd message Sets/views the guild's MOTD.
/guildwar guild_name Invites another guild (the target's guild) to start a guild war.
/guildyield guild_name Surrenders to the target's guild to end a guild war.

Alliance Commands

Commands used to create and maintain guild alliances.

command description
/newalliance alliance_name Creates new alliance of guilds.
/allianceinvite leader_name Invites leader of another guild to your guild alliance.
/allianceremove guild_name Removes a guild from your guild alliance.
/allianceleave Leave your guild alliance.
/allianceleader guild_name Hands over alliance leadership to another guild.
/endalliance Disband your guild alliance.

Utility Commands

Additional commands used for other game functions.

command description
/quit This exits you from the game.
/echo message This repeats the message in the Chat Window without sending it to anyone else.
/confirm message yes_cmd no_cmd This shows a confirmation box that displays the message and Yes and No buttons. On pressing Yes, the yes_command is executed and on pressing No, the no_command is executed.
/ping Shows your average ping to the server.
/help Displays the Help Window.
/screenshot (nogui,lossless) Takes a screenshot and saves it in a folder named "screenshots" in your PlaneShift directory. The "nogui" option can be used to ignore the onscreen windows and control bar, and the "lossless" option can be used to save without compression to PNG instead of JPG.
/graphicbug Saves a graphic report that you can mail to a developer.
/tip Requests a tip from the server.
/motd Requests the MOTD from the server.
/repaintlabels Will redraw corrupted labels. "/repaintlabels force" can be used if the regular command doesn't work.

  1. User Commands
  2. Combat Targeting Commands
  3. Group Commands
  4. Guild Commands
  5. Alliance Commands
  6. Utility Commands

GM Commands

Commands for GMs

Camera Views

Descriptions of the different Camera Views

  1. Third Person Follow
  2. Free Movement
  3. Dynamic Follow
  4. Free Rotation
  5. First Person

Chat Channels