Kada-El Tavern

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Kada-El's Tavern

The bar in the higher levels of Hydlaa. From the plaza facing the Iron Temple, go up the ramp just to the west (left). Then take the left staircase going up. You'll run into a guard tower at the top of the stairs, and the tavern is just to the left of that. Or, you could just follow the smells and crowds.

Kada-El's is famous for good food, drink and lodging which can be purchased there. Owned by Kada-El and run now by the citizens and the bartender, Allelia Symiestra, that has been appointed there. As most of Hydlaa's patrons frequent the tavern, Allelia seems to see and know everyone in town. She is a good source on information, as well as drinks.

Jomed Parcen runs the grills and prepares all the food. Many of his recipes are quite popular.