Oven Baked Bream

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Oven Baked Bream
Oven Baked Bream
  • 1 Oven Baked Bream


  1. Prepare Spiced Stuffing
    1. Combine Pinch of Salt, Dash of Trefoil, 2 Minced Pungent Tubers, Cider Mug, Wragberry Oil, into Unmixed Spiced Stuffing.
    2. Mix Unmixed Spiced Stuffing into Spiced Stuffing using Wooden Bowl with a Wooden Spoon.
  2. Prepare Filleted Bream
    1. Cut Bream into Cleaned Bream using Preparation Table with a Kitchen Knife.
    2. Cut Cleaned Bream into 2 Filleted Bream using Preparation Table with a Kitchen Knife.
  3. Combine Spiced Stuffing, Filleted Bream, into Uncooked Stuffed Bream.
  4. Bake Uncooked Stuffed Bream into Oven Baked Bream using Oven.