UE Roadmap

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Revision as of 14:04, 3 January 2019 by Talad (talk | contribs)
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UI - Inventory DONE, missing show Equipped items on 3d char
UI - Quests DONE basics, missing personal notes
UI - Spells DONE
UI - Character Skills DONE
UI - Petitions MISSING
UI - Buddies/Friends/Group MISSING
UI - Spell/research DONE
UI - Skinnable UI MISSING
Instances - for Guilds and Dungeons MISSING
Character - show equipment (helm, weapon, shield, ..) PARTIAL (missing bracers?)
Character - traits (hair, skin color, tattoos, ...) MISSING

Authentication We can login
Character Creation - Char Selection Basics done
Character Creation - Quick Paths Basics done
Character Creation - Custom MISSING
Quests - Talk DONE
Quests - Give Item DONE
Quests - Receive Item DONE
Quests - Rewards (items, factions, exp) DONE
Combat - PVE PARTIAL preliminary version, NPC not fighting back yet
Combat - Spells PARTIAL need to test more spells, convert the particles
Combat - Stances MISSING
Combat - Attack queue MISSING
Economy Manager MISSING
Spells (including research window) PARTIAL, need more spells
Crafting DONE, needs lot of testing
Banking DONE
Storage DONE
Cheat detection MISSING
Progression PARTIAL player gets experience in quests and combat
Music (musical scores, instruments, ...) MISSING
Tutorial MISSING
Weather Manager Partially done
commands in the chat /who /me /advise /help .... Partial, we have admin manager in
Social - Buddies MISSING
Social - Friends MISSING
Social - Alliances MISSING
Social - Guilds IN WORK
NPCs - movement / daily cycle Partial, NPC AI is working
NPCs - perceptions (listen, get attacked, proximity...) Partial, they react to time
NPCs - speech (audio) MISSING
NPCs - tribes (tribe growth) MISSING
NPCs - combat PARTIAL , they take damage, they dont fight back yet
NPCs - combat spells MISSING

World - Tutorial Partial
World - Hydlaa PARTIAL
World - hydlaa->Ojaveda PARTIAL
World - hydlaa->Gugrontid MISSING
World - Gugrontid MISSING
World - Gugrontid->Bronze Doors MISSING
World - Bronze Doors MISSING
World - Magic Shop MISSING
World - Amdeneir MISSING
World - Death Realm MISSING
World - Winch MISSING
World - Caves MISSING
World - Guild houses MISSING
Launcher MISSING